
Daniel Negraneau vs Sammy Fahra’s 9/2 spades

Daniel Negraneau slow plays a flopped nut straight to watch it crack to Sammy’s nine deuce of spades.  He makes the right read and lays down the hand to a large bet on the river.

Sammy Farha might have been disingenuous when he seemed to be surprised almost bordering on incredulous in his reaction to Daniel’s fold. 

Nice read again, Negraneau! Watching how Daniel plays this hand is a great example what a pro poker player’s philosophy to playing strong hands. An amature player would’ve played the hand more aggressively to protect themselves from the potential flush draw whereas a professional player is more inclined to risk letting their hand crack in the hopes of extracting more value for their hand. Of course, this requires the ability of knowing when it has cracked and the ability to make the right play.



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